Sometimes when people get their driver in their hands, they immediately go into whacking mode like they’re in a long drive competition, thinking only about how far they can sail the ball. There’s not necessarily any problem with this if you’re working out some tension on the driving range. But when you’re actually playing a round, boy oh boy does accuracy matter. [Read more…]
Do These Swing Trainers Actually Help?
Since its inception golf has been a challenging game. Whether you’re battling an opponent, the course, the elements or your own self, there are seemingly countless obstacles to overcome to play your best. One of hardest pieces of golf, if not the hardest, to perfect is undoubtedly the golf swing. [Read more…]
Iron Fix: Wood Block Drill
When it comes to hitting a solid shot with your irons, most beginner golfers struggle mightily with launching the ball into the air. In order to send the ball with an ideal trajectory, golfers are required to hit down on it. By nature, this is counterintuitive. Thankfully, we’re here to help. [Read more…]
How Ball Position Changes Your Shot
Golf is a fickle game that can frustrate even the best of players. What keeps people playing is those good shots and low rounds that seemingly come out of the blue. One of the main issues that amateur players have is that their long game is too inconsistent. Sometimes they hit the ball thin, other times slicing it or hooking it without any apparent pattern. Often the main culprit for this type of inconsistency is ball position. [Read more…]
Fix Tempo Issues With This Technique
In golf, tempo is everything. Tempo helps golfers of all skill levels maintain consistent swing paths, swing speeds and impact with the golf ball. But achieving great tempo throughout the golf swing — given the golf swing’s many variables and room for error — is much easier said than done. [Read more…]
WATCH: Golfing On Ice FAIL
This video of a golfer attempting to hit his ball off the ice has been sweeping the internet. It has golfers and non-golfers alike rolling on the floor laughing! It brings a whole new meaning to “play it as it lies.” [Read more…]
5 Ways To Fix Your Hook
The term “hook” refers to a problem in a golfer’s swing that results in the ball ending up way left of the target (or the right for left-handed players). This happens when the club face is being closed as it hits the ball. The hook shot is generally a better player’s problem, as you’re getting closer to a good swing with a hook rather than a slice. [Read more…]
Are You Teeing Your Ball Up Too High?
Sticking a tee in the ground and then putting a golf ball on top may be the simplest task that you will make during a round of golf, but it is still very important that you do it right. If you tee the ball too low or too high for the club you are using, then you could be putting yourself at a disadvantage to making your best tee shot. [Read more…]